Netflix, on Vine, Hollywood, California
On Vine, a transformative mixed-use development by Kilroy Realty Corporation in Hollywood, California. Completed in 2020.
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This case study examines On Vine, a transformative mixed-use development by Kilroy Realty Corporation in Hollywood, California. Completed in 2020, the project encompasses an entire city block and boasts a unique combination of office, residential, and public spaces.
A Netflix Hub with Panoramic Vistas
The centerpiece of On Vine is 350,000 square feet of creative office and production space, entirely leased by Netflix. The Office includes various amenity spaces on the top floor offering panoramic views of Los Angeles and the Hollywood cityscape! The perfect place for brainstorming sessions, company gatherings or simply enjoy a break from the office buzz, with some quiet time outside taking in those million-dollar views.
The roof spaces
This project includes two large roof terrace spaces along with a number of balconies/walkways over 4 levels. These spaces utilize the Raaft support structure coupled with natural granite pavers to provide a solid and safe surface. Along with this is custom planter upstands to provide ample planting depth allowing for larger greener shrubs and small trees making for a biodiverse space. One terrace also has a half-roof to provide shade for those who don’t so much appreciate direct sunlight, however the other terrace amenity includes a steel framework providing an all round better aesthetic not less shaded area, allowing you to soak up those UVs.